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Terms & Conditions

  • Solution Facility Service  provide their own staff for the housekeeping services for the aforesaid property
  • Solution Facility Service Shall carry out the day to day activities of the property to ensure smooth running of the operations.
  • Solution Facility Service Shall assist in preparing the necessary daily, weekly, Monthly cleaning check list and schedule and checklist for regular cleaning of the facility.
  • PEOPLE TREE HOSPITAL shall be responsible to make free access available for the housekeeping team to carry out the proper cleaning.
  • The Operations Team shall maintain the necessary logbooks, SOP’s, check list and attendance register, counter signed and duly authorized by the designated authority of PEOPLE TREE HOSPITAL which shall be treated as documentary evidence, for the services rendered. The logbooks and other relevant stationery shall be provided by PEOPLE TREE HOSPITAL the formats for which would be submitted by Solution Facility Service, if required.
  • Solution Facility Service  shall not be liable for any kind of loss or damage caused to the user as a result of any delay in servicing and maintenance of the equipment because of strike lockout, lack of transport facilities at site, riot, civil commotion, Government administrative or judicial order, making it impossible for our operators to reach site of the equipment or preventing him to carry out the job, The user shall not be entitled to recover any loss or damage suffered by him for any act of God, enemy action, natural hazards or any other cause beyond the control of us.
  • Solution Facility Service  shall maintain the facility with equal assistance from PEOPLE TREE HOSPITAL (i.e. Supervision, timely availability of consumables, chemicals, Equipments)
  • In the event of breach of any of the terms of this agreement by either party to it, or any dispute or difference arising between the parties about interpretation or construction of any of the terms of this agreement or scope of contractual obligations of either party, the same shall be referred to sole Arbitration Act, 1941 to a person to be appointed by both the parties and the decision of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both the parties.
  • PEOPLE TREE HOSPITAL shall be responsible for any ‘Insurance Policy’ for the property covering fire, theft and flood etc.
  • Solution Facility Service shall observe all the necessary statutory laws i.e. the Provident Fund Account, the payment of Wages Account, Employees State Insurance Scheme, Bonus Act, and all such other acts which may be applicable.
  • Solution Facility Service should draw required safety norms, conduct regular ‘refresher training’ modules and shall also be committed for the employees grooming standards, hygiene etc. to operate and maintain the property.
  • The aforesaid contract shall be for a minimum period of one year, which can be further extended after then agreed and prevailing terms and conditions. in the event of the circumstances, wherein either party would like to discontinue the services, by any reason whatsoever, shall give two-month written notice, to the other party.
  • In the event of any statutory compliances issues, post submission of the invoices along with the required statutory documents, 90% of the total invoice value shall be released immediately by the 5thday of the month as on account payment and balance 10% to be released post clarification and due submission of the required documents from our end.
  • Solution Facility Service assures that all personnel deployed at the site will be the employees of service provider only for all concerns, statutory bodies, company etc. and in no circumstances shall the relationship of master and servant be deemed to arise between the PEOPLE TREE HOSPITAL and staff and the personnel appointed, or engaged by Solution Facility Service.
  • Payment to be made within 7 days from the date of submission of invoice.
  • Both the parties agree not to absorb any the employees of the second party during the tenure of the agreement and six months after the expiry of the agreement.
  • Any notification in revision of service tax or Minimum wages / regulatory / statutory levies will cause prorate revision in the rates of cost per person and the order value.